Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Not just aprons for now, but I'm sewin' up a storm

As of the writing of this blog, I am 23 days away from giving birth. I share this because I have gotten so huge that making the aprons that I love so much has become difficult. One of my pregnancy symptoms is bad circulation and swollen feet so standing and leaning over my cutting table has kept me from starting anything new. So, I've taken a little apron sabbatical. I haven't taken a sewing sabbatical though, I would totally stress out if I did that! Sewing is my therapy, my relaxation time.
I've been making all sorts of little things that I can cut and pin while seated. First I made some gifts for Christmas (sorry, can't share what I made... may spoil it for some folks!) then I moved on to making some things for my home. As I do with everything, I made an extra set to offer up online.
I made a whimsical set of placemats using a technique that I picked up in a quilting workshop at a Family & Consumer Sciences convention years and years ago. I don't know what the technique is called or even if I'll ever use it again. It may be a coincidence, but during the process of making these placemats both of my machines broke down on me and required servicing.
The technique is done by taking off the presser foot and moving the placemat around in a swirly motion totally free-hand. It can be a little dangerous if you don't pay attention because there is nothing to protect your fingers from the fast paced needle!
The picture above is one side of the placemats and the picture below is the other. Click here to see them on Etsy.
Next, I stayed up late last night creating a cozy for a couple of diapers and a travel pack of baby wipes. I chose a bold black & white numbered fabric from Alexander Henry and some fun bright green faux fur for the inside. The problem..... I forgot to account for the thickness as well as the size. oops! So, now my cute little diaper/wipe cozy is a catch all clip-on tote. I haven't put them up on Etsy yet, (I made 3) but I will soon.

So, today, I re-designed my plans and created a couple more diaper/wipes pouches. One for me, one for Etsy (click here). As you can see from the photo below, this time I got the size right. Ya know, if I started using patterns I may not waste so much fabric!
If you like these and want one in your favorite team, I can do it, just shoot me an email.

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